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The HR Advantage Of Pre-empoyment screening:
- SSN Facts
- The Life of A Criminal Records Search
- Criminal Records Search Facts
- Best Practice Standards
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Human Resource Advantage
HRA's Commitment

1. Customer focused.
2. Competitive pricing.
3. No set-up fees.
4. Fast turnaround time (generally 24-72 hours).
5. Accurate, professional reports.
6. Access to nationwide databases.
7. Fast and convenient ordering.
8. Experienced staff.
The HR Advantage of Pre-employment screening:

- Reduces risk of negligent hiring.
- Ensures a safe work environment.
- Minimizes employee theft and fraud.
- Exposes misrepresentations.
- Insight into past behavior.
- Preserves the integrity and image of your company.
- Reduces training costs.
- Decreases turnover.
- Increases productivity.
- Improves cost and time effectiveness.